Little Blue Bus Jewelry
Home Studio
From a mini Chevy Tommy Bus to a backyard She Shed, Little Blue Bus Jewelry has evolved since we began in 2016. This cute little backyard hideaway is where all the creating happens!

My Dream Desk
Well, here I am! And this is my desk right after we put it all together, so it hasn't become a cluttered mess. Take a good look, because it'll never look this beautiful again!
I was able to purchase this as a Christmas gift to myself in 2021. Before this, I was working on a desk about half this size. This was a goal I had dreamed about, so it felt so amazing to be able to upgrade this past season!

The She Shed
You've heard it before - the she shed. I don't know if I really like to call it that, but it's definitely a dream come true! My husband says it's beginning to look more like a greenhouse than a work studio, and that's okay too! I LOVE it!
My sidekick, Juno, and I hang out in here most of the day nearly every day, and we are perfectly content.

I don't believe I've ever loved a material possession more than this beaut! Each wall and corner and table has a purpose, and I'm so happy and creative in this space.
I am able to do all of my making, shipping, marketing, live sales, and so much more from this space. My husband is an AMAZING supporter, and he spends many hours out here with me working on all the tech-y things